Monday, April 16, 2012

A fix for your RV oven

I have heard and read from several RVers that they finally gave up on using their gas oven in their RV, just because it doesn't bake evenly. Here is a fix; go to Lowes and purchase a 12" by 12" ceramic floor tile (Let the wife pick the color) and place it in the very bottom of your oven. Then, bake some cookies. Yep, that's it. What happens is that the tile stores up the heat so when the burner reaches temperature and turns off, the heat stored in the tile maintains the oven temp more evenly until the burner kicks back on again. Once we did this, my wonderful wife now bakes casseroles, cakes, cookies, and about anything else and it all comes out fine. Since adding our piece of tile, we have not had a failure. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Happy RVing...............Richard.

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